Primero de Octubre Parade
Each dance group is known as a comparsa. Vivi visits us as the comparsa gets prepared to start the day.
Dancer from another comparsa...
...and another...
Vivi and Cesar Cocarico, Governor of
In addition to taking some great photos, Vivi used the parade as a networking event. She's got a meeting scheduled with the Governor on Friday.
Women from the crowd constantly ran out to get pictures with me while we were dancing. They loved having a Gringo take part in a traditional folk dance. It reached the point where I got a little embarrassed and starting inviting friends from the comparsa to pose with me in the pictures.
The President of the comparsa.

That looks awesome Greg...especially the part about San Francisco. I am sure they are referring to the actual Saint rather than the city in CA, but whatever, we'll take the shout out.
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