I'm On a Roll!
Earlier this week, The Economist posted an interactive US map, which separates states by categories such as unemployment and party affiliation. In September, I likewise compared two maps: one organized by state voting habits, the other organized by state poverty rates. The Economist publication reaffirms the roll I’ve been on this week. Three times after writing original analyses, influential new sources published similar reports. I proudly take this as confirmation that my ideas are on the right track.
Seeking to bank off the The Economist’s popularity and the striking resemblance between our two reports, in the online magazine’s comment section I linked my old post. Since yesterday, “Just a Thought…” welcomed HUNDREDS of new readers from 44 different countries!
I would personally like to thank all of my new visitors for stopping by and send a salute out to readers in the United States, Bolivia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Micronesia, Brazil, Spain, Hong Kong, France, Japan, Sweden, Italy, Australia, Iceland, the Czech Republic, Ireland, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Russia, Pakistan, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Lithuania, Portugal, Argentina, Estonia, Egypt, Latvia, Hungary, Poland, Vietnam, South Africa, Jordan, Colombia, Cambodia, New Zealand, Romania, Qatar, China, Mexico, and Iran.
Welcome to the development blog that tracks global inequality, US politics, international organizations, and personal experience in developing countries. Please add “Just a Thought…” to your regular reading lists, as we post new commentary every week.

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