Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy 7 Billion Day!

On Halloween, what’s scarier than Thriller-like zombies, Jack Sparrow pirates, or scalpel carrying nurses?  In 2011, October 31st also marks the symbolic day in which the world’s population reaches 7 billion.

Amazingly, the world can sustain such large populations.  With technological advances in food production, medicine, and sanitation, humanity today can support over 7 billion lives.  Population growth may slow, but by the turn of the next century, the Earth will already be crowded with over 10 billion people (the UN estimates that people will reach the 10 billion landmark even sooner in 2083). 

While obvious concerns of overpopulation, increased inequality, and environmental impacts accompany any mention of population growth, the shear feat of man’s growth remains remarkable.  People should celebrate that, in itself, 7 billion represents enough food and resources to keep people alive and reproducing at historically unprecedented levels. 

7 billion is humanitarian.  7 billion is agricultural, technological, medical, economic, political, social progress.  7 billion is an incredible milestone to reach.  The more complex our systems become, the more people humanity can sustain.  Diminishing the negative effects (poverty, climate change, etc.) should be the goal of today’s generation.  But by no means should 7 billion symbolize the fall of mankind.  7 billion is a reason to celebrate!  Ignoring the responsibilities that accompany such large population growth is the sin.

For more on the world's population, check out National Geographic's special series on The 7 Billion.
