“The Asian nations’ interest in American politics stems not just from America’s standing as the sole global superpower, but also from a growing belief among Asian leaders that the era of United States hegemony will soon be over, and that the polarization of its politics symbolizes America’s inability to adapt to the changing nature of global capitalism after the financial crisis…
“What if America decides to ignore the global reinvention of capitalism and opts instead for a nostalgic rerun of the experiment in market fundamentalism? This would not prevent the rest of the world from changing course.” -- Anatole Kaletsky, Blaming China Won’t Help the Economy, 9/26/2010
Applying this to what we’ve witnessed occurring back home, I’ve come to a simple conclusion. While the rest of the world is abandoning failed neoliberal policies, the US is still stuck in a Red Scare, running from any policy that does not resemble 100% free market based economics.

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