In São Paulo I met a UN worker who I've traveled with to Rio de Janeiro. She most recently worked with Myanmar refugees in Malaysia. To my surprise, UN workers are told to deny all Muslim applicants for US asylum. US quotas refuse to accept Muslim refugees, who tend to be the most impoverished people fleeing from violent Myanmar military dictators. Apparently, the UN also doesn't grants asylum to the lowest class of people who most desperately need help. Only the most capable, educated, and healthy are accepted into foreign countries. In turn, middle class citizens in war-torn countries seek asylum because they are aware of the American and European opportunities for better lives, not because they are oppressed. Therefore, the truly struggling Muslims getting persecuted at home are left to starve in refugee camps.
Refugees are a group I've never read or heard much about. I have gained new interest. Refugees sound like people who are repeatedly kicked when they are down. They are brutality run out of their home countries fearing their lives. In refugee camps, these politically unwanted people are left in limbo, without real shelters to live in nor infrastructure to help them reestablish normal lives or create commerce. They condemned to forever be stuck in poverty without any means to escape.
If anyone knows any books or articles I can read to learn more about refugees, please let me know.
If anyone knows any books or articles I can read to learn more about refugees, please let me know.

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