Quick Notes from Rio:
* The boogie boarders look way cooler than the surfers, doing crazy barrel rolls and 360s. The surfers only stand up for short rides down the break.
* On Sunday afternoon, Flamango, Rio's fĂștbol team, won their first Brazilian Championship in 17 years. People flooded the streets celebrating afterwards, even closing the main roads with too many people dancing in traffic even jumping on top of passing cars. Nothing less than amazing.
* I finished the book, Mountains Beyond Mountains. Inspirational story of a man changing the face of public health and dedicating his life to providing medical care to the impoverished.
* The Samba schools practice for Carnival on the main parade site. It looks like a drag racing strip. Thousands of people participated in the practice parade. We estimated that between three and four thousand dancers must be in each school. We saw two of the twelve practice. That means that the real Carnival parade consists of forty thousand dancers. That is absolutely massive!
* For half the price of flying from NYC to Argentina, I'm forced to take an 18 hr bus ride to a city one state over. Time to leave over priced Brazil.

Mountains beyond Mountains is a really good book. Paul Farmer should win a Nobel Peace Prize.
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