“There are many instances of corrupt foreign officials plundering the natural resources of their countries for their own use while their people starve. The law states clearly that if you do that, you are no longer welcome in the United States.” -- Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont, NYTimes 11/16/2009.
Teodoro Nguema Obiang, the forest and agriculture minister of Equatorial Guinea, Africa's third largest oil producer, lives in his $35 million Malibu estate, while three quarters of his country lives below the poverty line. The US has illegally granted the money laundering Obiang an American visa.
Teodoro Nguema Obiang, the forest and agriculture minister of Equatorial Guinea, Africa's third largest oil producer, lives in his $35 million Malibu estate, while three quarters of his country lives below the poverty line. The US has illegally granted the money laundering Obiang an American visa.

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