Technology fascinates me. We live in a world were people have more information available to them than every before. An individual is in constant connection with others through email and cell phones. Imagine a time when mail would take days or weeks to get delivered. The Pony Express was supposed to be the fastest means of information transfer back in the day. Now, a letter can be sent instantaneously through wires, or even more abstractly, through waves that send signals to satellites. Humans first broke through the barriers of gravity with flight. Then people broke the mortal and atmospheric barrier of the heavens into space. Now, we make another leap as man kind by breaking into barriers of invisible physics laws with waves that send information.
Telephones used to be attached to walls and connected with wires. Presently, cell phones dominate our lives. People can be reached at all times no matter where they are. Massive amounts of information can be sent to a small phone carried in a pocket, purely based on the wireless principles of waves. The evolution of cell phones and computers is amazing, the two now merging to a point where an entire collection of music can be accessed at all times in all places. People can be constantly located with satellites. Mail, documents, cameras, speakers, telephones, televisions, and internet are already compacted into small handheld devices. In less than five years, people will walk around with mini computers, as part of their cell phones, at all times. All information will no longer be stored on hard drives that can be lost. Networks and internet will be accessible with the push of a button onto your cell phone, which also functions as a pocket computer. Your car, your house, your school or office desk will all contain this advanced technology. No more CDs or MP3 players will even be necessary with satellite accessible radio stations and network stored archives.
We are already becoming so far removed from an era without these technologies. Take a step back and realize the magnitude of where we already are. I can’t imagine hand writing papers and having the rewrite drafts for final copies. On a Friday nights, plans used to have to be made in advance before cell phones took over. Professors currently post lecture notes, readings, and homeworks online. How did they used to pass on this information? As I grow up amidst this technological revolution, I find it difficult to imagine how the masses will function by the time I become an old man. Technology will rapidly advance all fields. Where will medicine take us once computers continue to accelerate? What about government, how will it function? What will food be like; a single pill that provides complete nutrition in place of meals? So much uncertainly accompanies this technological revolution that some people fear it and revert back to religious fanaticism. Personally, I embrace this time of change. The computer revolution is already off to an irreversible start. Where will it take us? I'll let you imagine for yourself. No matter what turns it takes, I’m excited to see where it goes. It's just a thought…
I'm reading this post three years later. Already mini computers/cell phones exist. iPhones are the future. It's crazy!
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