Tuesday, May 23, 2006

"Just A Thought..." is a blog dedicated to expressing my random, yet extremely pertinent, views of the world. This is for all the times that my editorial letters to the Michigan Daily, school administrators, government departments, and executives have been ignored. This is for the people who patiently listen to my crazy antics and put up with the scattered ideas that constantly pop into my head. Political views, events, thoughts, and ideas will fill these endless electronic shelves of my blog. As Orson Scott Card predicted through eyes of Locke and Demostenes, electronic discussion panels will eventually become the forum for voices to be heard. This is mine.

Now, with this brief introduction, I welcome you all to a place where I hope to leave the curious informed and the wonderers thinking. Whether my pages invoke scrutinizing introspection, lengthy discussions, or merely a satisfying glimpse of my mind, I will provide my readers with knowledge of the world. Or maybe, just a thought…



Anonymous May 25, 2006  

As the person who probably listens to your crazy antics the most, I felt obligated to be the first one to comment. I also realized "just a thought" is a Gnarls Barkley song, which is kinda cool, I guess. Well, u started this blog thing so u better not quit, and good luck.